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Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is designed to answer most common lien sale questions. The DMV’s Lien Sale Unit is also available at (916) 657-7617.
I received a notice of pending lien sale in the mail, why?The notice is to let you know that a lien sale is pending for the vehicle. The lien sale allows the business (lienholder) to recover the money owed for repairs, towing, and/or storage of the vehicle. The notice of pending lien sale is required to be sent to all the following: the registered and legal owner(s) of record, any person identified as a buyer on a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) filed with DMV, and any person known by the lienholder to have an interest in the vehicle.
I sold this vehicle, why am I getting a notice of pending lien sale?You received the notice because DMV records indicate you still have an interest in this vehicle.
I gave DMV an NRL after I sold the vehicle, why am I still listed on it?If you have gave DMV an NRL, it is on file. However, to complete the vehicle sale, the person you sold the vehicle to must change the ownership at DMV. You may still be listed as the vehicle owner, which is why you received the notice.
It's past the 10-day window to oppose the lien sale, what can I do?When the window to oppose the lien sale has past, it becomes a civil matter between the parties involved. You may want to seek legal advice if you are unsure of your options, the consequences, or of what you want to do. However, many times in this situation customers choose to: Work with the lienholder to pay all fees due in order to retrieve the vehicle before it is sold. Do nothing and let the vehicle be sold. File a court action to prevent the sale of the vehicle if it is believed that the lienholder is not entitled to the money owed. Note: if the lienholder takes you to court for the remainder of money owed after the sale of the vehicle, or if you file a court action against the lienholder to prevent the sale, the court may determine that you owe the money and court fees.
I picked up the vehicle before the lien sale, but the lien is still on DMV's record, how do I remove the lien?You can remove the lien by providing DMV with proof of possession, such as: For registered owners, a vehicle verification or proof of payment on the lienholder’s letterhead. For legal owners, a Certificate of Repossession.
Where or how do I get a vehicle verification done?The vehicle verification must be completed by an authorized DMV representative, California licensed vehicle verifier, authorized auto club (AAA) employee, or peace officer who has been properly trained to perform vehicle verifications.
How can I provide proof of possession?Proof of possession may be submitted one of the following ways: By Fax: (916) 657-8763 By Mail: P.O. Box 932317 Sacramento, CA 94232 In person at a local field office. You may find a location near you by using the link below. Be sure to access the “Select a Service” drop down button and choose the “Field Offices” box shown under “Location Types”:
The legal owner shown on my title has gone out of business, can I do a lien sale to release the legal owner's interest?No, you cannot conduct a lien sale on a vehicle in which you have a monetary interest. Follow the link below to access the Financial Institution Locator which provides resources for locating a legal owner and provides the process when the legal owner is closed, or no information is available:
I have other questions. Who can I talk to?Please contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617.
I bought a vehicle from a lien sale and have lost the documents. What can I do?Please contact the person or business where you bought the vehicle to request copies of the documents. If documents are unavailable, contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617 for more information.
I received a notice of pending lien sale in the mail, why?The notice is to let you know that a lien sale is pending for the vehicle. The lien sale allows the business (lienholder) to recover the money owed for repairs, towing, and/or storage of the vehicle. The notice of pending lien sale is required to be sent to all the following: the registered and legal owner(s) of record, any person identified as a buyer on a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) filed with DMV, and any person known by the lienholder to have an interest in the vehicle.
I sold this vehicle, why am I getting a notice of pending lien sale?You received the notice because DMV records indicate you still have an interest in this vehicle.
I gave DMV an NRL after I sold the vehicle, why am I still listed on it?If you have gave DMV an NRL, it is on file. However, to complete the vehicle sale, the person you sold the vehicle to must change the ownership at DMV. You may still be listed as the vehicle owner, which is why you received the notice.
It's past the 10-day window to oppose the lien sale, what can I do?When the window to oppose the lien sale has past, it becomes a civil matter between the parties involved. You may want to seek legal advice if you are unsure of your options, the consequences, or of what you want to do. However, many times in this situation customers choose to: Work with the lienholder to pay all fees due in order to retrieve the vehicle before it is sold. Do nothing and let the vehicle be sold. File a court action to prevent the sale of the vehicle if it is believed that the lienholder is not entitled to the money owed. Note: if the lienholder takes you to court for the remainder of money owed after the sale of the vehicle, or if you file a court action against the lienholder to prevent the sale, the court may determine that you owe the money and court fees.
I picked up the vehicle before the lien sale, but the lien is still on DMV's record, how do I remove the lien?You can remove the lien by providing DMV with proof of possession, such as: For registered owners, a vehicle verification or proof of payment on the lienholder’s letterhead. For legal owners, a Certificate of Repossession.
Where or how do I get a vehicle verification done?The vehicle verification must be completed by an authorized DMV representative, California licensed vehicle verifier, authorized auto club (AAA) employee, or peace officer who has been properly trained to perform vehicle verifications.
How can I provide proof of possession?Proof of possession may be submitted one of the following ways: By Fax: (916) 657-8763 By Mail: P.O. Box 932317 Sacramento, CA 94232 In person at a local field office. You may find a location near you by using the link below. Be sure to access the “Select a Service” drop down button and choose the “Field Offices” box shown under “Location Types”:
The legal owner shown on my title has gone out of business, can I do a lien sale to release the legal owner's interest?No, you cannot conduct a lien sale on a vehicle in which you have a monetary interest. Follow the link below to access the Financial Institution Locator which provides resources for locating a legal owner and provides the process when the legal owner is closed, or no information is available:
I have other questions. Who can I talk to?Please contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617.
I bought a vehicle from a lien sale and have lost the documents. What can I do?Please contact the person or business where you bought the vehicle to request copies of the documents. If documents are unavailable, contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617 for more information.
I received a notice of pending lien sale in the mail, why?The notice is to let you know that a lien sale is pending for the vehicle. The lien sale allows the business (lienholder) to recover the money owed for repairs, towing, and/or storage of the vehicle. The notice of pending lien sale is required to be sent to all the following: the registered and legal owner(s) of record, any person identified as a buyer on a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL) filed with DMV, and any person known by the lienholder to have an interest in the vehicle.
I sold this vehicle, why am I getting a notice of pending lien sale?You received the notice because DMV records indicate you still have an interest in this vehicle.
I gave DMV an NRL after I sold the vehicle, why am I still listed on it?If you have gave DMV an NRL, it is on file. However, to complete the vehicle sale, the person you sold the vehicle to must change the ownership at DMV. You may still be listed as the vehicle owner, which is why you received the notice.
It's past the 10-day window to oppose the lien sale, what can I do?When the window to oppose the lien sale has past, it becomes a civil matter between the parties involved. You may want to seek legal advice if you are unsure of your options, the consequences, or of what you want to do. However, many times in this situation customers choose to: Work with the lienholder to pay all fees due in order to retrieve the vehicle before it is sold. Do nothing and let the vehicle be sold. File a court action to prevent the sale of the vehicle if it is believed that the lienholder is not entitled to the money owed. Note: if the lienholder takes you to court for the remainder of money owed after the sale of the vehicle, or if you file a court action against the lienholder to prevent the sale, the court may determine that you owe the money and court fees.
I picked up the vehicle before the lien sale, but the lien is still on DMV's record, how do I remove the lien?You can remove the lien by providing DMV with proof of possession, such as: For registered owners, a vehicle verification or proof of payment on the lienholder’s letterhead. For legal owners, a Certificate of Repossession.
Where or how do I get a vehicle verification done?The vehicle verification must be completed by an authorized DMV representative, California licensed vehicle verifier, authorized auto club (AAA) employee, or peace officer who has been properly trained to perform vehicle verifications.
How can I provide proof of possession?Proof of possession may be submitted one of the following ways: By Fax: (916) 657-8763 By Mail: P.O. Box 932317 Sacramento, CA 94232 In person at a local field office. You may find a location near you by using the link below. Be sure to access the “Select a Service” drop down button and choose the “Field Offices” box shown under “Location Types”:
The legal owner shown on my title has gone out of business, can I do a lien sale to release the legal owner's interest?No, you cannot conduct a lien sale on a vehicle in which you have a monetary interest. Follow the link below to access the Financial Institution Locator which provides resources for locating a legal owner and provides the process when the legal owner is closed, or no information is available:
I have other questions. Who can I talk to?Please contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617.
I bought a vehicle from a lien sale and have lost the documents. What can I do?Please contact the person or business where you bought the vehicle to request copies of the documents. If documents are unavailable, contact the Lien Sale Unit at (916) 657-7617 for more information.
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